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Main Technics

LightPainting Tutorial - Main Technics


Because you have to start one day! Because at first the ideas do not always come all alone!


It by step-by-step testing of all basic technics you'll discover this modern art. First, do not try to produce works of art, just understand and master the basic technics.

Trying different technics is not just testing and handle new tools. In the absolute, no technic is better than others, that's what you'll do of it that is important.


In this section, we will draw up an exhaustive list of the simplest technics used for Light Painting.

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Indirect Lighting & Superposition

In: Main Technics On: jeudi, mars 26, 2015 Comment: 0 Hit: 14318
For indirect lighting, we mean the fact to light an object to make it appear gradually in the photo. By illuminating or not illuminating an object, you can...

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How to make LightGraff??

In: Main Technics On: lundi, mars 23, 2015 Comment: 0 Hit: 23447
Whatever the light source, whatever your level, once your camera configured for long exposures, Light Graff is the basic technique of Light Painting.

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