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What equipment to choose? How to choose it?

Vue partielle des équimements de Light Painting de caffeina, sur Flickr
Partial view of the Light Painting equipment of caffeina


Does my camera allows me to start the light painting? Choose material to choose in order to achieve the pictures I dream?

Through subsequent articles, we will try to go around the bases of equipment used to make Light Painting.

Latest articles in this section

What accessories for what practices??

In: Equipment On: mercredi, février 25, 2015 Comment: 0 Hit: 21095
What accessories are available?? Which practices?? And how to choose?

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Which Lights to Choose?

In: Equipment On: mercredi, décembre 18, 2013 Comment: 0 Hit: 28359
The choice of lamps and lights is infinite, then how to choose, what criteria?

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Which Camera?

In: Equipment On: jeudi, novembre 28, 2013 Comment: 0 Hit: 23241
Is my camera suitable for practicing of light painting? What criteria choose?

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Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items

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